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Bifacial module双面组件制造方法

日期:2020-02-10    来源:弘扬太阳能  作者:刘继茂




关键词: 双面组件 组件技术 光伏技术 光伏电池组件 光伏组件

Bifacial module manufacturers have two primary ways of constructing a bifacial cell. Some encapsulate both sides of the cells in a layer of solar glass. Others use glass on the front and a transparent polymer-backsheet material on the back.


More manufacturers today are opting for the dual-glass approach, which tends to be more durable in the field, compared to glass-on-polymer options. Dual-glass solutions are also more rigid and less water permeable, which helps safeguard them during handling and installation, as well as protect them from wind, rain, snow and other environmental conditions. They historically have lasted longer and had lower failure rates than polymer-backsheet alternatives. Many manufacturers offer longer warranties on dual-glass modules as a result. According to Solar Power World, this durability results in a lower annual degradation rate (in the range of 0.5% per year for dual glass versus 0.7% per year for polymer-backsheets), which directly impacts lower levelized cost of energy (LCOE)

目前越来越多的制造商选择了双玻方法,玻璃和聚合物的选择相比,双玻方法在该领域往往更耐用。双玻解决方案也更坚硬,透水性更低,这有助于在搬运和安装过程中保护它们,并保护它们免受风、雨、雪和其他环境条件的影响。它们在历史上比聚合物背板替代品持续时间更长,故障率更低。因此,许多制造商对双玻璃组件提供更长的保修期。据Solar Power World称,这种耐久性导致了较低的年退化率(双玻璃的年退化率为0.5%,而聚合物背板的年退化率为0.7%),这直接影响了较低的水平化能源成本(LCOE)

Material manufacturers, meanwhile, are working to help polymer-backsheet modules keep pace by developing solutions that offer other advantages. Du Pont, for example, has released transparent bifacial module backsheets with a white grid that allows extra reflectivity between the cells, resulting in higher power output. Other designs provide electrical insulation while also sealing the modules from moisture, ultraviolet (UV) light and other outside elements. Polymer-backsheet modules also tend to be lighter and easier to transport and install, and they have been shown to reduce the potential induced degradation (PID) sometimes associated with dual-glass systems.


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