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能源革命! 津巴布韦5.9MW光伏电站让我们一起揭开未来的面纱!

日期:2023-03-22    来源:晨科太阳能




关键词: 晨科太阳能 光伏支架 津巴布韦光伏项目


Recently, Chiko Solar has successfully completed a 5.9MW solar power station project in Zimbabwe, using the ballast III solar bracket system. The completion of this project is of great significance for the local energy supply.


Solar bracket power station is a facility that conver solar energy into electric energy through solar panels and solar bracket system, which can provide renewable clean energy for the local area. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, is a developed country and faces a shortage of energy supplies. Therefore, the completion of this project provides an important support for the local energy supply.


The ballast III, solar bracket system adopted by Chiko Solar, is an efficient and stable solar bracket system. This system uses advanced materials and design for better adaptation to the local environment and climatic conditions. At the same time, its installation and maintenance is also very convenient, which can effectively improve the operation efficiency and stability of the power station.


We believe that with the continuous development of clean energy technologies, Chiko's such solar bracket projects will appear more and more around the world.

上海晨科成立已有12年,累计安装量超30GW,齐聚全国的高精尖人才以及配置齐全的重点实验室,设计验算标准涵盖全球大部分国家,取得40多项国内专利,专注于太阳能固定支架,手动可调,BIPV系统, 柔性支架, 光伏支架车棚, TPO屋顶以及跟踪系统的研发、设计、制造和销售。

Shanghai Chiko has been established for 12 years, with a cumulative installed capacity of more than 30GW, gathering high-precision talents and well-equipped key laboratories across the country, design verification standards covering most countries in the world, obtaining more than 40 domestic patents, focusing on the research and development, design, manufacturing and sales of solar roof fixed brackets, solar ground mount, solar manual adjustment mount, BIPV systems, flexible brackets, solar mounting carports, Solar TPO roofs and solar tracking systems.

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