The BIPV sunroom developed by Solar First Group made a brilliant launch in Japan.
The Japanese government officials, entrepreneurs, professionals in solar PV industry were eager to visit this product’s installation site.
The R&D team of Solar First developed the new BIPV curtain wall product with vacuum and insulating Low-E glass, which perfectly integrates photovoltaic, the renewable energy, into sunroom, and form a “net-zero energy” building.
The patent information of Solar First’s BIPV technology lists as follows:
Product: A Vacuum Low E Solar Glass Used for Building Integrated Photovoltaic
Patent No.:2022101496403 (invention patent)
Product: Photovoltaic Curtain Wall
Patent No.: 2021302791041 (design patent)
Product:A Solar Photovoltaic Curtain Wall Device
Patent No.: 2021209952570 (patent for utility model)
据日本琉球新报报道,日本冲绳CO2减排推进协会把晶晟的发电玻璃定位为“王牌”发电玻璃。晶晟的日本总代理Moribeni社长朱社长高度认同晶晟企业理念“新能源新世界”,他为晶晟团队埋头研发、科技创新的精神点赞。社长朱社长强调,他的团队会全力以赴推动日本的“净零能耗建筑(Net Zero Energy Building)”。
As reported by the Japanese media Ryukyu Shimpo, the Ryukyu CO2 Emission Reduction Promotion Association regarded Solar First’s solar glass product as “ace” solar glass. The president of Moribeni, Solar First’s agent company in Japan, Mr. Zhu highly recognized the corporate philosophy “New Energy, New World”, and highly praised the spirit of Solar First’s hard work in innovation. Mr. Zhu emphasized that his team will do their level best to promote “Net Zero Energy Building” in Japan.
The front-page headlines in detail is shown below:
“Power Generating Glass” Model House
冲绳CO2减排推进协会成员Moribeni(那霸市-朱社长代表)使用具有太阳能发电功能的多层玻璃在南城市玉城前川完成了“发电玻璃样板房”的组装。据该协会称,此结构是日本首次实现。协会将把发电玻璃定位为“王牌”,利用样板房进行普及推广,推动“净零能耗建筑(Net Zero Energy Building)”,使建筑能源平衡为零。
Moribeni, the member (Mr. Zhu, representative of Naha City) of Ryukyu CO2 Emission Reduction Promotion Association, used the laminated glass with power generation function to build a power generating glass model house. According to this association, this structure was realized at the first time. This association regard the solar glass as its “ace” to promote the “Net Zero Energy Building”.
The wall can generate electricity
ZEB(Net Zero Energy Building), means to save energy and reduce energy consumption while keeping comfortable living conditions, thereby to balance the energy of building. Under the trend of global decarbonization, the importance of ZEB will be increasing.
The top and wall of model house were covered by heat-shielding, heat-preserving, power generating, Low-E laminated glass. The light transmittance of top was 0%, while the wall 40%. The installation capacity of solar power system was 2.6KW. The model house is equipped with an air conditioner, a fridge, lamps and other devices.
The solar glass could be made with wood texture. Mr. Zhu said, such design would be good for environment and cost effective under the circumstance of increasing electric charge, while shielding and preserving heat.
This association claimed that there were 8 buildings in Okinawa Prefecture planning to be ZEBized. Zukeran Tyojin, the representatives of this association, said it’s difficult to realize ZEB by only installing solar panel on rooftop of houses in city, and it’s important to utilize the walls. He hoped everyone could visit this model house and form a good image of ZEB.
日本BIPV LOW-E发电玻璃阳光房成长日志:
The growth log of solar glass house:
2022年4月19日 ,研发设计图纸确认
April 19, 2022, the design solution drawing was //confirm/i/ied.
2022年5月24日 ,LOW-E发电玻璃产品生产完成
May 24, 2022, the production of solar glass finished.
May 24, 2022, the frame of glass was assembled.
May 26, 2022, the solar glass was packed up.
May 26, 2022, the overall structure of solar sunroom was assembled.
May 26, 2022, the solar sunroom was loaded into container.
June 2, 2022, the solar sunroom was unloaded.
June 6, 2022, the Japanese team installed solar sunroom.
June 16, 2022, the solar sunroom’s installation finished.
June 19, 2022, the solar sunroom hit the front-page headlines.