Today, at least nine manufacturers offer bifacial modules that have been certified for use in North America. Major manufacturers, along with their products’ front-side power ratings and bifacial ratios, are listed in Figure 1.

While a bifacial ratio has value, it is not necessarily a good indicator of a bifacial PV system’s performance in the field, which is highly dependent on everything from its geographic location to the time of day. To optimize bifacial energy efficiency and yield, for example, bifacial arrays can
be installed above light-colored surfaces that reflect as much light as possible. They can also be raised and tilted in ways to collect more reflected light and avoid shading their rear sides.
Solar tracking systems can also help to maximize electricity production by rotating solar panels to follow the sun throughout the day, optimizing the angle at which panels receive solar radiation. In addition, tracker manufacturers may adjust the typical tracking schemes to account for bifacial modules, such as reducing the amount of backtracking or adjusting mid-day positions. Studies conducted by PV module manufacturers, according to Solar Pro, have shown energy yield increases of up to 11% for fixed tilt systems and 27% for tracker systems, when compared to similarly rated traditional modules.
太阳追踪系统也有助于最大限度地提高电力产量,通过旋转太阳能电池板来跟随太阳一整天,优化面板接收太阳辐射的角度。此外,跟踪器制造商可以调整典型的跟踪方案,以考虑到双面组件,例如减少回溯量或调整中午位置。根据Solar Pro的研究,光伏组件制造商进行的研究表明,相同的容量,双面组件对比使用传统组件,跟踪器系统和固定倾斜系统,能量产出率分别提高了11%和27%。